Tuesday, May 10, 2011


This is something I've been thinking about doing for awhile. Kind of a review column. My gimmick? (for now) look at the covers of comics i read a week ago and tell you what i think from what i remember...

How well did they stay in my memory or did they pass into... OBLIVION??

Finally this book is chugging again. Look for awhile it seemed it was turning into a long protracted what if superheroes would F*&^ and you could watch? *Yawn*
But now it's back to 'Hey if there we're super heroes you know that the military industrial complex would be all over that, and if you thought them screwing around with your life was bad now, wait till they have Captain America and Batman to mess with your head.

Avengers Academy #13
I like this book. Super-hero prom. Tigra and Pym get it on. Just all in all a nice solid comic about young super heroes who after this book goes away you'll only see in background shots of Big summer cross overs. or Double page posters in Avengers Annuals.

Fear Itself # 2
Look the the Prelude to this had me worried. I read it and thought 'Who Cares?'
But the the 1st issue came out, and I was much more excited, I thought 'Oooh what's next?' Obviously Marvel knew this too, since in this issue....
Thor gets sent to his Room, Magical Hammers are given to, well...
All the characters they've been showing you who get Hammers in the centerfold of all Marvel Comics the last few months, and oh a Major City may get destoyed, but hey New York got it's ass kicked in 'Civil War' and well it got better. So by the end of the issue i'm not eally going 'Oooh what's next?' But I will be buying issue 3, and well marvel knew that so... Move along nothing to see here, see you next month buddy.

OK I fell for it i was expecting something a little different like they said it would be.
Well, Uh, Bendis, Maleev, Nice art, nice dialog between two thugs so you can get to know them before they get capped, and...
Well, other than that, 'what if Spider-Woman had a sex and costume change and called herself Moon Knight?

Professor X recaps everything that's happened to the X-Men and Cyclops, while they all wait for something horrible that's coming, but no one will tell you what that is. Oh, and Wolverine doesn't like it. No Sir, not one bit...

OK that's it for this week, who knows maybe'll I'll keep this up, let me know if you want to see it again. I'll try to do more next time.
Hey 'Flashpoint' starts next week, will it hold in my memory for Seven Days?


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